Recently, A consultant friend of mine was bragging about how successful a recent upgrade from 11.5.9 for 11.5.10 (AP,GL,AR,CE,PO,FA) was for his project. It was a huge success he claimed! This was an upgrade with no new functionality or application being added. The entire upgrade was completed in only nine months he told me!
Nine months to go one release version up didn't seem that successful to me. Please share your view points and war stories. I need to put my friends success into perspective.
It depneds on How much functionality you added with version upgrade. This is quite subjective topic and depends on lot of other factors like architecture, dependency with other components.....
There was no new functionality added to the upgrade. It was strictly upgrade from 11.5.9 to 11.5.10. Architecture and dependencies also remained the same.
We upgaded from 11.5.5 to 11.5.10 including technology, porting of all custmisations, user training on newfunctionalities stack withn 3 months!!
We have recently upgraded Oracle Financials 11.5.9 (GL, FA, AR & AP) to Release 11.5.10 in three months with no additional functionality being rolled out at the same time.
We also upgraded our database from 9i to
The actual application upgrade was completed first and was done over an extended weekend. The DB upgrade took place another weekend, with no interuption to the users.
We intend upgrading the database to in a few weeks time.
Most of our time was spent testing the new version and reconciling the data.
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